Jennifer Beals, known for her powerful role as Bette Porter in The L Word, teams up with hugely successful The L Word creator Ilene Chaiken to launch an exciting new queer media brand that will create content for film, television, and live events. According to The Hollywood Reporter, they’re keeping their upcoming projects under wraps for now, but they have announced their business partners for the Run-A-Muck venture. Joining Beals and Chaiken are founding partners, Caroline Joyner, WME’s director of impact and inclusion, and business executive and entrepreneur Jenn Smira.
Along with a screenshot of the article announcement of the platform, Beals states on her Instagram “An idea 20 years in the making.
I couldn’t be more excited to get this out into the world.”
While Chaiken states:
“It’s time and I couldn’t be more excited to announce Run-A-Muck, a new queer multimedia brand focused on creating bold, innovative content across film, TV, and events.
Queerness is no longer peripheral, but central to the creation of culture. We’ve reached a threshold at which queer artists are dominating the entertainment space, and Run-A-Muck will simply be a media company that connects those creators with consumers who love their work.”
In the meantime, while we wait for this epic creation to bring us a lot more queer content, we recommend you follow the new Run-A-Muck Instagram profile and check out some cool behind-the-scenes pics from The L Word, plus check out their TikTok below.