Beauty Vlogger – Alexandra Walsh Interview



This week we’ve had the pleasure of speaking to Instagram Makeup Artist slash Youtube Vlogger Alexandra Walsh. Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, Alex has gathered quite a few keen followers on social media and we wanted in. She’s swung by our online studio to have a chat with us about what’s going down (under) in her life at the moment. #sorrynotsorryfortheterribleozrelatedjoke.

1- Hi Alex and welcome to Nonchalant London. Are you prepped for this?
I sure am

2- So, let’s start from the beginning, when did you get into the makeup thing?
I started getting into makeup at such a young age and had a collection of 100 nail polishes by the age of five. I used to watch my mother do her makeup before she went out and thought it was beautiful when my dad would tell her how beautiful she looked. I loved painting in school and it translated to makeup when I got a bit older and experimented with different colours and looks.

3- Do you have a favourite brand of makeup?
I have loads! I have favourites from each catagory from foundation I can’t live without Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk.

4- Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to set up shop as a makeup artist?
Just don’t think too much about it and have confidence in your work. It’s good to have a chat with your client before hand and see what it is thay they like. My clients see what my style is and know they aren’t going to get a wild over the top glam. I think it’s important to know what you’re good at and make that your mark.

5- We hear you loved the store Boots following one of your trips to the UK? Do tell…
I AM OBSESSED! I would book a trip just to visit that shop. No 7 has such amazing mascaras and I could spend all day in there.

6- After spending time in England…. What’s your English accent like?
Haha I can pull it off quite well. It changes from country to Irish but you get the point.

7- We are quite fond of your style,where do you get your clothing inspo from?
I wear a lot of black, I think because when I look at other people I’m more drawn to people that wear dark colours. I feel it makes you appreciate their face more and you notice other things about the person other than what they’re wearing. Zoe kravitz is someone who I always look at and love what she wears.

8-  As we all know Christmas is coming up, how do you celebrate in Oz? Can you cook a turkey on a barbecue? Is that even a thing?
Haha I hate turkey! But there’s nothing better than family time and prawns are a must.

9- Let’s move on… You seem pretty loved up right now, how did you guys meet?
We spoke first as friends and met in person at a bar and since that moment we made each other laugh and were together since we had our first date.

10- You’ve been really open about your sexuality in the past, but lets be honest do you miss tits?
Tits are great and it’s even better when your partner helps you spot a good pair out in public and you can have a perve together.

11- Hahaha, so are you coming to the UK any time soon?
I would love to go to the UK again in 2018 I love Bristol and would love to visit Manchester one day!


Enjoyed reading this? See more of Alex on instagram @_alexwalsh
Thanks Al for taking the time to speak to us, keep killing it.

Team NL x



Jem Thomas
Jem Thomas

Jem is a lover of all things coffee, snow and music. Jem has been content writing since 2017. Articles mainly include questionable puns and a focus on pretty material items. Why not read about such items in the Nonchalant ‘Shop’ category?